REINFORCE | Premium Carnauba Wax
You know how sometimes it feels like your machine runs better when it’s super clean? Reinforce Premium Carnauba Cream Wax takes your finish to the next level. It brings out the beauty in everything it touches. So, it must help to make things run better, right?
Use Reinforce on your gloss painted surfaces for a more brilliant shine, increased clarity and deeper colors. We truly produced this fine polish and wax for ourselves. It is the product we always wanted, but could never find. And that’s exactly what we hear from fans that use it.
We’ve combined the finest chemical makeup: natural and synthetic carnaubas, gentle polishing agents and nano synthetic polymers to create a true professional grade finishing wax.
Here’s what we suspect you’ll notice when you use Reinforce:
- Super easy to use - easy to apply; easy to remove. And buffs brilliantly.
- Leaves no chalky or powdery residue.
- Makes colors appear deep and clear.
- Finish feels nice to the touch.
- Great hydrophobic quality. You’ll see that used a lot in waxes - it’s a fancy marketers way of saying that you’ll see kickass water beads when it gets wet.
- Works great on gloss paint, chrome, plastic, and even glass.
Using Reinforce:
- It looks weird at the top, like it’s gone bad and separated. Well, it has separated, but not gone bad. Separation is normal - basically you’re using a product made up of water and oil. As Mrs. Yalorakis (spelling?) demonstrated in chemistry class - water and oil don’t mix. Shake well, very well. You’ll see amazing results. We kept this in a clear bottle so we can show you the natural separation. Most finishing waxes come in colored plastic bottles. Shake those well too! Actually, throw those away and get Reinforce.
- Use on a cool, clean surface in a shady area.
- Did we mention to shake well? Shake well.
- Apply to the surface with your favorite applicator. For us, it’s a clean soft terry cloth towel if going at it by hand, and a foam finishing pad for DA Polishers.
- Use small, overlapping circular motions, working the wax over the surface.
- Allow the wax to set for a few minutes to a light haze.
- Wipe off with a clean, soft, microfiber towel. Turn the towel to a clean area and buff to a high gloss.
- Sit back and marvel at the work you’ve done.